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TopSecu Guard Tour Checkpoints|RFID Guard Tour LocationID Button|RFID EMID Cards and Tags|Security Guard Checkpoint Identification|Guard Tour Signal Cards and Buttons|Security Patrol System|Guard Patrol System|Security Guard Control System|Data collection products|iButton application
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TS-G800GM Real-Time Style
TS-G700G Guard Tour

iButton Guard Tour System

TS-G100 Guard Tour
TS-G200 Guard Tour
TS-G300 Guard Tour
TS-G400 Guard Tour
RFID Guard Tour System
TS-G500 Guard Tour
TS-G600 Guard Tour
TS-G600B Guard Tour
TS-G700 Guard Tour
TS-G700G Guard Tour
TS-G900 Guard Tour

Real-Time Guard Tour System

TS-G800GM Real-Time
TS-G800GS Real-Time

Touch Memory Button

TS-1990A-F5 Touch Button
TS-1990A-F12 Button Memory

RFID Card & Tag

TS-LCEM Series Checkpoints


Event Wallet
USB Cable
Battery Charger

TS-LCEM Series LocationID Checkpoints


The Features of TS-LCEM Series LocationID Checkpoints


TS-LCEM series Guard Tour LocationID buttons are fixed signal checkpoints along patrol routes to identify the patrol locations.

TopSecu's LocationID button checkpoints are based on 125KHz EM4100/EM4001/TK4100 LF RFID tags. The tags are dustproof and water-proof. We have diversified styles of tags that can be embedded, screwed or nailed, or adhered to non-metallic location surfaces.

TS-LCEM series LocationID button checkpoints are recommended tags to work with TS-G600/G600B/G700/G700G/G800GM/G800GS/G900 series security guard tour readers, so as to enable operation performance.

RFID Guard Tour LocationID Button Checkpoints

What is a Guard Tour System?
How a Guard Tour System Works?

iButton Guard Tour System

TS-G100 Guard Tour
TS-G200 Guard Tour
TS-G300 Guard Tour
TS-G400 Guard Tour
RFID Guard Tour System
TS-G500 Guard Tour
TS-G600 Guard Tour
TS-G600B Guard Tour
TS-G700 Guard Tour
TS-G700G Guard Tour
TS-G900 Guard Tour

Real-Time Guard Tour System

TS-G800GM Real-Time
TS-G800GS Real-Time

Touch Memory Button


RFID Card & Tag



Event Wallet
USB Cable
Battery Charger

TopSecu Technology Limited
All Right Reserved©1998-2010
